Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who Cares?

I have been thinking as usual about stuff. If there is anybody who really cares about what we do, who is it? What do they care about? I know this might sound like something that maybe some people never think about, but really, who do we affect by what we do? Sometimes we might have it in the best of our interest when we do certain things but most of the time people tend to only bring up negative thoughts. I know and I have heard people saying that it is none of their business to try to make things sweet for others but should we think that way? People such as our parents go out of their way to make life easier for us, but we sometimes make life impossible for them. How can we be so blind? That's why we in turn should go out of our ways to help and care for others. Some say that those words are what you hear from the Bible and religion but not really. It isn't about a God or not, not really anyway. Wouldn't it be good to live in a world where there will be no corrupted minds? Where there would be less things to worry about? I don't know about you, but I sure would like to see a world like that. I am tired of listening to the news so I don't turn it on anymore. Not one day goes by without them announcing that someone was gunned down or stabbed to death. I am fed up of listening to my friend talk about things that wouldn't be happening if people would just start caring. I am terrified of going alone for a long-distance in a dark area because I can never who might be waiting. I get so scared when I hear noise around the house during the night. It also terrifies me when I have to pass a group of drunk men. What troubles me the most is the though of having to fall in love without barriers and limits only to find out that it is all a stupid game. Will any of this ever go away? I just live with the hope that one day it will all be over. It would fill me with joy to have peace and a sense of unity with the world.

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