Monday, August 11, 2008

Some more of the past

Well, my father was one of those who ran away, hoping for something good to happen. I guess he was trying to make his way to another place to start over. Since his father sent him away, he just wandered about, from one place to the other, till he reached in Corozal. Once there, he was thinking of making his way across to Mexico, and then the U.S, but something happened.
I know my father and once he has his thoughts planted somewhere, he doesn't give up till he achieves what he wants. He got a job working in the cane fields, which was new to him since we don't plant cane down here. ( He was used to harvesting corn and beans, etc, which there will be some about, if I don't forget. ) Anyway, he was up there for a time and was working with different people. One of them was Ambrocio. Well, to make it shorter, life throws up many chances and bestows many gifts upon us. It so happened that this man had a daughter and she liked my father. They had to wait for some time before they were married, since she was barely 15.
Sorry for everything being so mixed up, but I was never good in writing, and never will be. At least I know I write, which I prefer to do over talking.
Since my father found a wife so far away from his home, we made up a story about it. They also don't tell us all the deatails, so we ask my grandmother. With what she tells us, me made up a beautiful story. I also got some ideas from the books I read.
When I have more time, I will be sure to post it. Very unique.
Hope everyone is alright and hope you find God as soon as possible. Time is too short for it to be wasted. With God in your life, everything will be great, but you have to believe.
In believing and trusting, things can happen. Pray without doubting and it will be answered.
Well, it seems that I left the past for now.
Right now I just want to talk about God. I always wonder how he made everything. The Bible says to leave all secret things unto God, but a curious mind can never do that. Only if I think about nothing, but that is impossible even for me at times. I used to, but life is not that simple and carefree anymore. More later