Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

I finally got through the task I had been putting off for maybe two weeks. It feels so good to have done it!!! Yesterday, as always, my day began by waking up at 9 a.m to watch my favorite telenovela. When that was over, I went into the kitchen to have breakfast. Afterwards, it was laundry time. Our washing machine spoiled sometime last week so I had no other option but to do it by hand. I'm just glad the sun was not as hot as the day when my sister was washing. I hadn't washed that way for so long so by the time I was done, my back was killing me!!! Anyway, after that, I started to figure out how to do the cultural Maya blouse or 'camisa'. I got through the cutting and after so many measurements I got the size of the sleeve, which still turned out to be too long. Last night I was working on the tiny pleats of each sleeve and it got frustrating after a while because it didn't stay straight after I ironed it. So, I decided to press each pleat as I did them. It turned out to be much neater than the first sleeve I did so I had to redo the first. I got tired of sitting so I left everything as it was and I can't remember what I did afterwards.
Whatever, what I did wasn't important I guess since it has been erased from my memory. I woke up early this morning to my sister's annoying alarm. I was hoping to get back to sleep after they left home to go to the cacao farm, but I never did. It's hard to fall asleep again once I hear them laughing and talking. I didn't join them this time, since I wanted them to think that I was still sleeping. I only heard my sister complaining about me still being asleep, that was around 6 a.m. Who ever wakes up that early when they have nothing extremely important to do? There are 24 hours in a full day and I can always borrow some hours from another day, can't I? Anyway, right before they left, I got up and started another tiring day.
I started working on the sleeve again and at the end, I was satisfied with the outcome. I took some small breaks between 9 and 10 a.m to watch t.v. since I wasn't getting any progress with the rest of the blouse. It's a really simple style but a few of the steps are complicated, especially since the mother of the child didn't bring a blouse I could copy from. I had to work with one that belongs to Beka, and I am still not sure if the teenie-weenie blouse I did will fit her or not. I didn't even see how big she is when she came a few weeks ago. So much for my sewing passion!! I didn't even bother to take measurements. Ha! It was till afterwards that I realized I didn't do what had to be done, but I made it. Such a tiny thing but it took me my whole day. My butt felt numb after sitting for so long and here I am sitting down again. Never seem to care about my butt. . . Ha! Back to my boring ramblings about the blouse, I got tired of doing tiny pleats and stitching, unstitching [is that a word?], and re-stitching more than 3 times. I would have it no other way though. I pride myself in doing the best I can and retrying everything even at times it seems hopeless to do so. It always pays off!!!
I didn't intend to stitch by hand today but I wasn't satisfied with what the machine was doing so I threaded my needle and voilĂ , I was finally satisfied with the whole blouse. I got done around 5 this evening, but I still had a few touches to add. I threaded my needle again, this time with black embroidery thread, and began to do a zig-zag stitch on the sleeve. My first attempt wasn't satisfactory so I undid it and went to have lunch/supper. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I put down my needle and thread. When I was done eating, I picked it up again and I finally got the stitch right. I finished one side before I decided to leave it for the day. Tomorrow morning I will work on the other side and then get ready for my trip to Cayo!!! Gosh, I miss being there so tomorrow night I'll be there!!! I'll get back home in just a week before my b-day!!! I just realized that I haven't spent a birthday here ever since I turned 16!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Post-summer to the Present

There are times when I think about what matters. What makes life worthwhile? I have been away from the classroom since July and although I miss that part of my life, I still love where I am at now. The first month and a half I spent in Columbia with my family, then I decided to head to Corozal to meet my aunt who needed help with her baby. I got to my grandparent's house in the night and since the town people were having activities to celebrate Independence Day, my uncle decided to carry us out. I enjoyed watching and listening, especially the fireworks. I also went to the parade the day after, then later on in the day my aunt and I flew over to San Pedro. It had been a few years since I was there last, so I was glad to be there again. The only thing I didn't like about it were the mosquitoes, those little suckers are no good. Anyway, time went by and I got used to my new routine; which was sweep, do the dishes, give Amber her bath, put her to sleep, read a book, and knead flour few times during the week. Mid-October was graduation time and I got to go to Cayo again but only for a few days. I was glad to see my family again. After grad., I went back to my aunt's, still enjoying the time I had to do something to help her family. When the time came for me to leave in early December, I found it hard to do because I had already formed a bond with Amber. She is such a sweet child. It broke my heart to hear her crying for me as I was leaving. I wish I could have brought her with me, but that wasn't possible. I made my way over again to San Ignacio and stayed a few days. I don't know why I just can't seem to leave that town!!! Anyway, I have been in Columbia since early December and it has been great. I have helped my mom in the house, done a lot of cleaning, and also farming along with my dad. I have never really liked the feeling of being surrounded by walls with a few windows so I am glad to spend time outdoors. When my dad said he needed help planting beans, I was very happy to go along. If my grandmom was still here to see me going to the farm, she would be just as happy as I am for she was a hard-working woman!!!! Dad taught me how to measure the distance each hole should be made and how many seeds to drop in the hole. I enjoyed doing it even though it doesn't seem like fun to poke a stick in the ground and bend over to drop some seeds. Other than the that, the weeks and days go by with almost nothing interesting to do. X-mas came and gone and there was almost no festive spirit in me. Then for New Year's, my parents decided to renew their wedding vows, since it was their 25th anniversary. We killed a pig and there was a lot of good food. I forgot that the week before, my aunt from Corozal made what we call 'choch' or 'blood pudding'. There was something about it that made me want more and more [i didn't use to eat it when my grandmother gave us]. It was until later that I learned that it wasn't done the right way. It doesn't matter to me, I liked the new way and I will eat it no other way. So, ever since the year started, the family has been going to the Cacao farm in San Antonio at least once a week. My dad finally realized that he has been making the pods go to waste. I love going there because it is shady and cool under the trees and we spend our time laughing and talking, something that never lacks in my family. There is always a lot to be happy about. During the time that I am not at the farm, I do my chores in the house or the laundry sometime during the week. Other than that, I sometimes tend to my flowers and some of the herbs/spices that I've planted. There are a few days when I tell mom to let me takeover in the kitchen. I'm glad I haven't heard any criticisms!!! That's something good because my mom and dad's taste buds are usually hard to please. Moving on, I have also been doing some other small stuff to occupy my time. I have picked up my embroidery threads, cloth and hoop again. The last time I did one was in high school. It all comes back and i keep adding on so I don't keep doing the same thing for too long. Besides that, I also work with a sewing machine. My dad said he would get an electric one, but I told him that could wait since I don't use it much. Speaking of which, I have to do a 'camisa'[cultural wear] for a little girl soon. I don't know where to start but I will get it done. Other than that, I have also started working with wire. I don't have the right type of wire but I wanted to use up more of my time so I grabbed dad's tools and his tying wire. They still look pretty and I hope to continue with it. I'm just glad I haven't developed any blisters. Back to where I started, I am just happy with what I have for now - a worry-free life. Although I know I will have to end it soon.