Monday, October 31, 2011

"Deeper Love Facts"

I found this very interesting:

What is love? David Icke said: "Infinite Love is the Only Truth Everything Else is Illusion." However, scientists tried to explain love using our genes as the base of the medical study. Basically, they found that we are attracted to persons that are genetically immune to the diseases and weaknesses that we are weak to. However, Alchemy teaches us completely different approach. Alchemy or old sacred studies believe that our body (Personal Self) is build around four energies (or four egos) that make up our Personal Self (our body). Those four energies are: Physical Energy with its Needs, Sensational with its Desires, Emotional with its Feelings and Intellectual Energy with its Ideas. To reach Higher Self (our soul) these energies must be balanced. Since this is very hard to do, in our distorted world, we usually seek for someone (soul mate) that will help us achieve Higher Existence (same like our genes our soul mate's energies could fill half empty energies and empty our half spilling energies). Alchemy believes that we are not born with the soul, only with the seed of spirituality, and that our purpose in this dimension is to find our souls or to find our Higher Self. You wanted to make gold from the ordinary metal?

Posted by: Interesting Facts Team
taken from:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time, and time again

To realize the value of ONE YEAR,ask a student who failed his exams...
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby...
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper...
To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer...
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet...
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train...
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident...
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics...
Treasure every moment that you have!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

My Current Thoughts

I heard about something strange over the weekend and I am determined to find out what it going on. I am even planning to spend a few days in a place that begins to be scary. I don't know if I will hear or see anything but a part of me hopes I do and another part of me hopes nothing happens that would freak me out. Whatever it is, I will just go head-on into this strange place, even though I visited there a lot. I hope to understand what is beyond what I already know. Everything is just mysterious these days. If I get freaked out, I will be sure to write about it. I just need to get all the details straight and the dates and time right. From there, my research continues.
However, let me just share a tiny bit of what this is about. I want to know whether it is possible for someone to appear out of their body. Sounds strange but I don't want to dismiss any detail. There are other details but what I just shared is the most bizarre. Until then, I must assure you that I am not losing my mind.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Present Happenings

Again, it's been a long while since I had the time to post a note. Well, everything is going good for now. I am glad I get to have a break from school and from everything else. However, this summer was not the best of my life. It was so sad and I wish it could have been different. My grandmother has left from amongst us, but there are still some occurences which I have yet to understand. It sure sounds ridiculous when I start thinking of it but I just have to accept the way things are and believe in what I thought was impossible. No matter how nonsensical this sounds, I believe that her spirit is still here among us. I say this because of several unexplained things that happen. One day I hope to understand more of it.
Ever since I came to Columbia, I have been feeling how much I miss her. It was much easier to deal with when I was further away from home. Sometime last two weeks I visited my aunt and I saw her standing behind the grinding stone preparing some 'cacao' for drinking. I didn't expect the hurtful feeling. Then last week I visited again and I just sat to watch the ladies preparing tamales. During the whole time that I was there, I kept thinking that Gran would have had everything organized.
Moving on, you know, I keep thinking about whether I did the right thing or not. To me it was right but I don't know what others may think. Here is the case: I have/had a supposed bf and everything was going just fine for 6 mths. By the end of June, I can say all that changed. By July up till now, I heard nothing from him and that was the time when I needed him most. He doesn't even know what I had to face alone. I tried contacting him a few times, but still nothing. So now I have decided to let the whole thing pass me by. One thing that I know for sure is that I am not accepting any apologies or giving another chance.
That said, I sure do feel much better to have shared a bit about that personal stuff. Will try to access net again some other time and share some more, perhaps about the strange occurences. Until then, God bless.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

What's It Like???????

You know, sometimes I wonder about stuff that I may or may not be thinking about. Well, at least for me it's not strange to think about, but when it comes to other people it is. I ask myself 'What's it like to be normal?'. According to most people, I am not what they expect a human to be, so I begin to wonder how, who, and what do they expect me to be. I still haven't found an answer to the posed question but that's not the issue. Normal human or abnormal human, I am still me. ;-)
I was also thinking about what does it feel like to be someone who tries hard to get somewhere and still gets nowhere? Do they feel good? Happy knowing that they try?
Oh, I recently heard something that made me feel weird. I was told am EVIL!!!! LOL...

Friday, April 01, 2011

April's Finally Here!!!!

Yay!!! April's presence means that I get to go home very soon! It makes me excited yet not too excited about it. I don't think I have mentioned how much I dislike living there. However, I will complain no more and just wait till we get out from there.
This time of the year also means that I have to get really busy. I have a speech to do and I have decided on a topic for now. I will just read all the information I was able to find and decide if it is good enough (am giving a speech about Ouija boards).
There is just too much to do and sometimes I wonder how I get through with all. In the end, I always do all I have to do.
Then for my other class I am thinking of doing 'Addiction: The Cultural Concept'.
So much going on right now and sometimes I find it hard to concentrate on one. When I get tired of it, I start doing another which makes me have a lot of work pending. Some of them half done, others are just being researched as yet, and others are just not even started...
I even have to think about upcoming social events. My cousin is getting married in 15 days and I am not even prepared yet. Wonder what they would think if I show up in jeans, and looking all unproperly groomed. . . Well, I don't know why I am fretting over it, since I always find time. . . no matter how limited!!!
Gotta go now. I'll just wait and see what's in store for me this weekend. The one that just went by was great!!! Barbecued at the riverside (river wasn't beautiful, but it was alright), and spent time with some people (they think I am not being anti-social anymore [huh, who ever said i was!!!]).
So this weekend I am expecting to see some sand and sea. Heading to my favorite island (if nothing comes up to stop me)!!!!!! I just know it will be great!!!!!
Anyway, goodbye for now and hope all goes well for everyone.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lil more about me...

There were times when I said I don't believe in second chances. I used to think that people who do you wrong deserve no other chance of making it up to you, but now I have seen that I was wrong. If the whole world would think that way, no one would be truly happy. Everyone needs to have second chances, sometimes even more. . . It is only then that we get to really know someone [not that everyone messes things up from the first, but supposing that they do]. However, it is not always the same. You become more aware, not necessarily accusing or expecting anything bad, but more observant I guess. Perhaps I am not being clear enough, but I am just trying to sort out my thoughts here. It gets confusing at times so I just let this out and I'll come back afterwards and analyze more.
Moving on, I can sense life changing. I don't know exactly what yet, but there is something different around. Could be just me or maybe what I see in others and how I see others, but something is definitely different. Maybe it is no wonder my boyfriend calls me crazy!!!
Moving further on, I am really interested in knowing more about paranormal activities/occurences/experiences and the unexplained, etc... I just find it very interesting. Magic [white or black], the supernatural, witchcraft... I never really gave much thought to it before, but perhaps my ignorance of it made me believe for a time that it does not exist. I have come to believe otherwise. They do exist and they are around, but maybe not everyone experiences it... I have no way of knowing that. I've heard many stories and sometimes they may be fabricated by our imaginations, but we cannot always assume.
I think I can go on and on today but it is almost time for my class so I will have to close off.
By the way, can ouija (weegee) boards really connect to another dimension?? Even if it is made for fun??? I heard stories about that too... was meant for fun only but ended up bad...

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Life's Surprises

Well, what can I say? Am enjoying the package for sure!!! Such hard blows that I found hard to believe... I just have to say that I am so glad that none of it was ever true. Or so I was made to believe. However, everything was worth it. And I am ever so glad I didn't make a decision without cooling off and thinking it through.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What A Life!!!

Mein, the last time I wrote I was so happy!!! Can't say the same for now, although am still a little bit happy! Well, it just serves to show that not everything will always be how I would like it to be.
The year started off okay, and I had great hopes for the latter part of the year but I was just informed that it will not be possible. However, I still have hopes that I can get some time away from here. I will see how that goes...
Besides this school life, everything seems to be left hiding from me. I probably should be worried and anxious about other aspects of my life, but surprisingly am not. Whatever may be happening is welcome. I am not bound to anything or anyone yet.
There are time when I seem to forget about everything and I know it should not be that way but i keep doing it. Previously, I made up my mind to change certain things about myself and to be honest, I haven't seen much changes. Well, I haven't given up hope. It is still worth trying!!!