Monday, March 26, 2012

A Strange Occurrence

 Today, I got the opportunity to go to see what has frightened a lot of people.  I didn't get too close to inspect since there were a couple of guys there who didn't want me to drop in the hole.  jeje... I didn't want to show my disobedience so I just snapped a couple pix.  This is what it looks like at the top. 

By the time I got there this morning, they had already started working on the side, which was where the crack was seen more clear.  As you can see, it extends all the way away from me, did a little U-turn, and continued forward.

Honestly, I didn't smell anything weird or saw anything totally strange.  Somebody probably chopped the grass in the area that's why it looks so dry.  Oh, and I peeped inside and got no kind of skin reaction or weird feeling, or heard any sound.  I couldn't see how far down it cracked though.  Cracking of the soil is common in the dry season, but as big as this is unheard of. 
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These two images were taken last week by my sister.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Early this morning I was awakened by the sound of sirens. It sounded so near yet so far away. At the same time, the dogs in the neighborhood all began to howl but it sounded so weird and sad. My phone said it was 4:17 A.M. I just waited until the noise calmed down then I fell asleep again.

The next time I checked the time it was around 8 but I was still feeling sleepy and I just didn't feel like getting out of bed. About an hour later, I literally forced myself to get up and take a bathe. That made me feel much better. One of my first thoughts was about the souls that wouldn't make it through this day. After I walked out of the house, not far from where I live, I noticed that there were a few men putting up a tent. I just passed by, then all of a sudden I thought that maybe the man didn't make it. I heard that he was not in good health ever since he was attacked by a bull on his farm.

This evening when I returned home, I noticed there were a lot of people dressed in black in front of the house and it was then that I knew for sure. As I passed by tonight, someone was playing an instrumental of 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus'. It's one of the hymns I love to sing so I recognized it and it made me feel sad because I was reminded of my grandmother.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Breaking News? Could be!!!!

There is something that the whole country will hear about sooner or later, depending on how fast the news gets to the Geology Department and environmentalist.
I haven't seen it for myself but I heard about it from my brother at the beginning of the week. Since he goes to high school, most of the time they come home with news from their friends about what is occurring in other villages and our own community. I do not have details as to what and when this happened but I will state all what I know so far.
In the village of San Antonio, Toledo, the Cisco workers who were working on the highway from Dump to Jalacte heard what sounded like a loud roaring beneath the soil they were working on. It is located right past the San Antonio Waterfall on the way to Santa Cruz. I suppose the sound is similar if not identical to the sound made by an earthquake. Since it was at the end of the work day, they left the area and imagine their surprise when they returned the following morning.
The hill was cracked at the side [not sure whether that is left or right] and debris covered the road.
It's too bad that I left from home this morning and I didn't get to see what I am talking about here. My sister told me they went there this evening and she described it is being 'freaky and weird'. I asked here to tell me about it and where it cracked open [if it was on the side, in the center, and if vehicles can pass] and these were her words: 'ye frm d whole side of d hill its craking n falling luks like crushed bisquit...d craks are getting wider vehicles pass bt its dangerous stl'. She also said that people go there daily to see what it's like. One girl even got inside/too near but she had to be taken to the hospital after she developed some form of rash or skin allergy.
I have no idea what this could be but I am guessing that maybe there is a dormant volcano somewhere and the trapped gas got released when the hill cracked open. They say it has a stench and that water sprouts out from time to time. Some say that the crack led all the way to Blue Creek [where there is also a cave]. One of my first thoughts when I heard about this strange phenomenon was that there could be a cave not far underneath the road. It has always been rumored that there is a cave behind the waterfall and now I suppose that is true. That place has always captivated me and I always wondered what lies beneath, for I am quite sure it cannot be solid rock!
There is something else about that waterfall but I will leave that for next time. Anyway, the theories have no limit. Here is one I had to kind of laugh at. 'The devil came out of the bottomless pit'!!!! Strange, but some of the people actually said so!
My sister says they will return on Saturday and she will try to get some pictures. If she does, I will be sure to post them. Maybe the Geology Dept. or some other people will be there soon since the people say the 'noshi wichil*' are coming. I hope my sister gets some pix before they close off the area if it's something big.
*means the people with authority


I was able to find out that the hill opened up last week Thursday. It's still not sure whether this was in the night or in the morning but a few people say it was around 7 a.m. My cousin said that they placed a dynamite in the area so they could test the type of rock. Even though that is the cause, how can the stench be explained? If it is a form of gas, what kind?


I was thinking and the trapped gas from an ancient dormant volcano may not be an explanation since there are no known volcanoes in Belize. I forgot to mention that some people say that they can still hear a roar. Is it the noise of flowing water? I know there is a cave somewhere in the area named Benil Okeb Ha'*1. It is probably linked to the cave Benil Hok'eb Ha'*2 in Blue Creek Village.
*1 roughly translated: the way where water enters
*2 way where water comes out


Another possible explanation that has occurred to me is an earthquake, but it's far-fetched. First of all, because noone felt a thing. Secondly, because dynamite was supposedly used in the area but I also came across a valuable piece of information. Dynamite is not used on that type of rock.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Truth Never Dies

Truth never dies. The ages come and go.
The mountains wear away, the stars retire.
Destruction lays earth's mighty cities low;
And empires, states and dynasties expire;
But caught and handed onward by the wise,
Truth never dies.

Though unreceived and scoffed at through the years,
Though made the butt of ridicule and jest,
Though held aloft for mockery and jeers,
Denied by those of transient power possessed,
Insulted by the insolence of lies,
Truth never dies.

It answers not. It does not take offense,
But with a mighty silence bides its time.
As some great cliff that braves the elements
And lifts through all the storms its head sublime,
It ever stands, uplifted by the wise,
And never dies.

As rests the Sphinx amid Egyptian sands;
As looms on high the snowy peak and crest;
As firm and patient as Gibraltar stands,
So truth, unwearied, waits the era blest
When men shall turn to it with great surprise.
Truth never dies.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 This was what used up a lot of my free time.  I am glad I finally finished with it.  The last time I wrote, I had hoped it would fit the little girl but when she came to try it on, the sleeve was too tight.   I told them I would fix it when I get back, but I touched it till this morning and I have been here for a little over a week.  Laziness maybe, but I just didn't want to think about how to loose the sleeve and make it look good still.  I worked on the sleeves again from 8 to 12 noon!!!  As if I didn't have other things to do. . . Eventually, I got it done but it doesn't look as good as the one in this photo since I had to add on a strip of white where the black band joins. 
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At 8,401 Days

Birthdays have never really been a 'BIG' day for me. This one was no exception except that I wasn't alone this time. Nobody says we have to celebrate the way other people do, and even if my parents wanted, I would never accept it. I prefer being somewhere else with the people that matter the most. Even though I could never be with all who matter, those who know me good know that I never forget even if it seems so.

Yesterday started off with me waking up about an hour earlier than usual. When everyone was ready, my dad drove us over to town. As usual, he never lets us know what he's thinking until it is time to 'get the plan in action'. So when it was time for lunch he said he would take us to a restaurant. The only thing is, there are not many places to choose from in town so we decided to go to Olympic Grill. It was good enough although there are many ways I can think of in which they should improve their service. Nevertheless, we ate and by the time we got back home it was after 3 p.m.

On our way home we picked up cousin Melva since we all planned to go to Lubaantun at 5. We chilled for a while then we started getting ready. My curiosity was what led me to declare that I would get to the Maya Temple, no matter what. If dad didn't say he would take us, I would have walked it. Anyway, we were the first ones to get there so we had enough time to get some pix. They are far from looking professional but the happiness that shows is what counts. So we were there taking a few shots when all of a sudden I silenced them to listen if they could hear what I heard. They heard what sounded like a cat in the distance, but only me heard what sounded like voices. The last thing all of us heard was the sound of someone running. We know that no one lives in the area nor does anyone stay there after 5. For what, we looked at each other, I stood up, and we all ran to the entrance where Dad and the watchman were talking. Once we saw them, we stopped to feel our hearts beating.

Not long after that, the people we were waiting for arrived. We headed back to where we ran from and took part in the lighting of the Sacred Fire for the torch run. Although I didn't understand a word the Kekchi Man prayed, I knelt down and faced each of the four corners they prayed to. He burnt candles of four or five different colors for each corner but that was after he addressed each of them.

When he finished praying, he asked everyone to form a circle, kneel down and pray. It was a spiritual moment for me and I am glad I was insistent on going. Afterwards, the torch was lit and passed around the circle. We then headed home to pick up my mother and brother with the food. While coming down the hill, I slipped but I didn't get hurt. jajaja.... I wish I could have seen myself falling. I just sat there and laughed. . . and by the time my sister was taking a few steps toward me to help me up, I was already on my feet.

Once we got the food and a bathroom break, we headed out again. This time we were going to wait at the Columbia junction for the runners to appear, whom we planned on following to Blue Creek. We had a lot of time to wait so we had supper under a starlit sky. As always, there was a lot of talking and laughing. That is never absent!!! We got to Blue Creek around 10 or minutes after. Mrs. Esther Sho gave a short welcome address and they shot fireworks for each corner. They also lighted what looked like 15-20 feet of pop-shots strung in a tree. Afterwards, there was more firework display and that was when the camera's battery went dead. Because of that, I was unable to get pictures and a video of the the Fire Ball game. They actually played with a ball of fire!

Oh, and let me not forget the tamales and cacao drink that was shared with everyone. Overall, I loved yesterday just as I love today and tomorrow, but what makes it more special is the fact that it is the time when I start hearing from everyone I haven't heard from in a while.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Harvest

Dad finally got to take us to the farm today. I was very excited about going in the morning but by the end of the day I was almost wishing I didn't have to be there. I was beginning to feel the heat of the blazing sun and we didn't take along enough water. There were a few flies that were buzzing around close to my ears, and when I took a rest during lunch the ants and ticks were crawling all over my arms. I haven't noticed yet if any ticks found a sucking spot.

Overall, I would do it again but. . .

I can be asked to plant the seeds and I would gladly do it. Ask me to clean out the weeds and I would do that too. However, when it's time to harvest and the weeds have formed a sort of carpet over the plants, don't really expect me to hunt for the beans.

What makes me so glad today is that I didn't come in close contact with any scorpions. I only had a spider crawl up my leg but I noticed it just in time and I was quick to shake it off.

Also, while hunting for bean stalks through the vines, I noticed a bird's nest. I took a peep inside and saw the tiniest winged creature! I thought it was hungry since it kept opening it's beak. I hope Mother Bird got some food for it. Instinct was telling me to take the camera today but I ignored it. If the birdie is still there when I go back on Monday to finish harvesting, I will make sure I get a picture.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Heaven: Horses?

Three weeks ago I asked the kids in Sunday class if a statement was true or false. The statement is as follows: 'There is a book in the Bible which says that there will be no other horses in heaven except horses'.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Super Early Morning Thoughts

Well, thoughts and memories keep coming back and again, as it usually is, I am going through a mini insomnia phase again. My sisters are out helping out an old friend with her wedding deco, nails and what not's. They were expecting me to go but at the last minute I started having pain in tummy area. Seems like it's gone now. So now I am up waiting for them to get back home while listening to my own thoughts and also to the occasional annoying snore of Mom and Dad. Also, somebody woke up early somewhere in the village booming out some P.U.P tracks. Before I got back here, my sister told me the U.D.P had their rally at the football field [not far from where we live, actually, sort of right across]. Later on in the day it will be P.U.P's turn but rumor is that the other party wants to stop it by hosting a football marathon. Whatever happens, politics will be what it is.

Speaking of which, as I stepped off the bus at dump this evening, Beka pointed out a political sign to me. It made me want to change by blogs' title or page title [whatever it's called]. As I have always said, I write down things and go back to analyze them later, after a few years, months, or minutes, it just doesn't matter. The point is that I do look at them again. So, I started thinking about this 'Enough is Enough' thing. Now I have come to the thought, not a conclusion, that there can never be E-N-O-U-G-H. They just keep coming, whether you are ready or not. Maybe enough for now is more like it. I'll keep thinking about what would look best at the top of the page. Something that says a little but a lot at the same time. I'm not sure I can come up with something like that but I'll see.

Back to the wedding, I don't know why people choose to marry too early. The bride doesn't get her 'beauty sleep', if there is such a thing. The family is up for most of the night running around with flashlights in their hands to light the way. It is safe to say that that is mostly the job of the women since the men all gather to share a few quarts and elephant foot. By the time it is time [8 a.m], people are tired, men are drunk or with goma and some family members end up missing the ceremony. One fact about weddings though, [i don't know yet if all families do it, but here goes] everybody pitches in by donating rice, beans, meat, or whatever they can give. That didn't come out the right way so here is an example. Say there is a family of maybe 5. The first son wants to get married so it is his parent's obligation/responsibility to help out with the expenses. The married son then has to help his younger siblings with their wedding expenses as a form of repayment to his parents. Maybe that example is clear enough.

Moving on, day before yesterday, I received a text message from Anna telling me that a Visiting Man and his Single Son will be here soon. She says mom stressed on the 'SINGLE SON'.
My reply: "I knw mom probably worries dat she won't get 2 c any grandkids, bt he isn't d solution". She says: "LMAO. . ." I say: "dey finish wit Beka, now dey strt wit me". Her reply: "U hav us laughin". If Grandma was still around, she would probably say the same thing. She knew relationship updates in my sisters and cousin's life but never mine. However, she was convinced I was hiding someone.

Anyway, more of Gran next time. I was walking in Cayo day before and there was a man coming behind me with a horse. The dogs were barking and I heard him talking. I didn't pay mind as I thought he was speaking to himself or on the phone. Moments after, I realized he was telling me something. In Spanish, he asks me if I would like a ride. I just smiled and said no. He then asks if I would like to hold the reins. Again I smiled and said no. He also asked if I had ever rode on a horse. When I answered no again, he said it was easy. Thinking back, if it was in another place with green hills and small streams, I would have accepted. That along with the offer being made by a younger man. My fear of horses wouldn't have bothered me then. For now, I will just admire their beauty from far.

Well, I guess I'd better get at least a half hour rest. It looks like my sisters won't be back soon. That means that if they don't, I have to find something to do with the kids in Sunday Class in 3 hours! Yikes! Maybe I'll just continue with Tic-Tac-Know. They seem to enjoy it and it gives me an insight as to what they have been learning. I suppose I won't get a nap after all, since hunger is setting in as the day breaks. . .

Story Time!!!

Each time I visit my grandparents in Corozal, Grandfather begins his storytelling. He knows how much I love to listen to him talk so as I finish greeting and giving hugs to everyone, we sit down in the kitchen and the story begins!
Here is one as I remember as he told me as he remembers as he was told by his grandfather. . . [a sort of edited version and pardon me if I get scenes mixed up because this is the first time I'm testing out my skills as a storyteller. Maybe I should say a story writer?
In a land [not certain whether it was far or near but let's settle for not very far away], a woman did her best to make ends meet. She raised turkeys and sent her son to sell them throughout the land. He was not to return until he had some money. So off he went with his turkey. Going house to house and street to street, he realized that no one was interested in taking ownership of the turkey. He didn't give up though and continued walking until he came near the castle.
Being tired of walking around with a turkey, he decided to stop for a rest. While he rested, a young woman approached him and asked what he was doing. He replied by saying that his mother sent him out to sell the turkey but that no one wanted to buy. She became thoughtful and finally told him that she would take the turkey and give him something in exchange. He agreed, not knowing what her bargain was. So, he gave his turkey over to her and waited for her end of the bargain. Slowly, she started lifting the hem of her blouse while he waited in suspense.
He tried to tear his gaze away, but she wouldn't let him. Imagine his surprise when he saw what she was showing him! She then told him that each time he gave her a turkey, she would show him more. What he was looking at was the first color on her navel. By now he realized that he wasn't going to get any money for the turkey so he returned home.
When he got there, his mother began asking him how the sale was and demanded to see the money. He told her that it was stolen from him. Upon hearing that, she began to worry for she didn't know how else to get through. The turkeys were all that she had left to sell. He tried to cheer her up but his conscience kept nagging him.
The following day, he took another turkey and went straight to the place where he met the young woman, as they had planned. There, she showed him the second color. For the five days that followed, he returned home with the same story of someone robbing him of the turkey. On the seventh day, she told him not to return because she didn't have anything else to offer him. Not knowing why she showed him the colors of her navel, he returned home, puzzled about the last seven days.
Soon after, word spread that the ruler of the land was in need of entertainment and seeking young men who could guess the seven colors on his daughter's navel. The people at the castle prepared for the festivities and the young men came from all over. For days, one by one each young man started choosing which seven colors he thoughts of and presented them to the ruler but none came close. Finally, the ruler got bored.
Meanwhile, the turkey guy saw that there was a lot of excitement in the land. He set out to find out what it was all about. When he heard, it dawned on him that the young woman he met was none other than the ruler's daughter. He smiled for he knew exactly what the seven colors were. So, what else was he to do? He made his way into the castle and faced the ruler. One by one, he began telling which were the seven colors. So surprised was the ruler when he heard the colors being named. In the end, he couldn't believe so he asked the servants if they had seen him near his daughter at anytime and they said no.
Since no one could prove that they knew each other, the ruler had no other option but to give his daughter as wife to the turkey guy. The wedding was celebrated and the mother was finally happy that she could now forget about her worries of making ends meet.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

To What Purpose?

Sometimes I think that it would be better to trust a stranger than the ones who are as close as our family members. Yet that doesn't really make sense because those who get close to us were once strangers. While I was away, something happened that has me wondering. I knew there was a reason unknown to me for not tolerating him but there was nothing I could do about it. Even if I tried to make Sister see, the decisions are hers only. In time, the truth is no longer buried beneath layers of lies and deception. I know I was waiting hopelessly for the news she finally told me during the week, and all I can say is that I am sorry it had to be that way. What was he thinking? I cannot even begin to imagine! He considered himself part of my family so why would he do what he did? Really, what would spying on us gain him?

A week ago, probably around this same time, Dad went behind the house to lock up the storage room. I suppose he wasn't even there yet when he heard footsteps in the dark. Someone was running away! The person ran into the neighbors' yard but not before crashing into a pole my dad placed behind the matchbox of a house for my cat to climb in the ceiling. The neighbor heard his dogs barking and came out to see what the hassle was about. It was he who recognized the person fleeing. He said the person also crashed into something in their yard.

The runner knew that if he went en route to his home, the school, or in the center of the village he would be recognized from far so he opted to go up the hill, away from the light, into the hibiscus bushes planted by the uphill neighbors. It was a good choice but in his haste to get away, and also because of being unfamiliar with the state of the neighbors yard, he ran into squishy mud and BINGO! His tennis got stuck and he didn't have the time or the chance to try to get it out. The neighbor got it out and recognized who's it was but Dad didn't. I wasn't surprised at that part since he never really notices what a person wears. [There was a time when he didn't even recognize his own daughter! How bad can it get? Oh, and birth dates and ages.]

The following morning, Dad walked around the yard and he saw where Sister's X walked. Mom says she saw a light by the 'sambo' trees, probably from his phone, and I am guessing that was at the same time he sent my other Sister weird text messages. We still don't understand what he meant. Anyway, from there he must have used the pigpen as cover and made his way through the front yard no one really walks through. The footprints led to the corner of the kitchen, where he could peep through the cracks for as long as he wanted, unnoticed.

What all that was about? Who am I to say? All I know for sure is that it bothers me and I keep thinking that that wasn't the first time he was spying on my family. He tries anything else, I'll be right here waiting. Sister says he knows I don't like him and I always catch him looking [sort of starting] at me. He probably tries to figure out what lies beneath a cool, uninterested surface.