Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Close to the End

It's here once again. These are the times when I am most busy. It seems that I can never learn from my past semesters. Sometimes I get tired of myself waiting for last minute to do my research papers. I don't mind doing the reading part but writing is a different story. No matter how hard I try to put a pen to my paper or to begin typing, I can't get past five or seven lines. That's always the case. However, when I am really running out of time, I tend to do the best!!! At the beginning of every semester I always say that it won't be the same as the last but it ends up that way. It's just me. I always have good results but I still don't want to take that for granted. For now I will concentrate on finishing my paper about the Out of Africa and Eve theory, then I will continue with my ethics journals and somewhere in between I will go to interview more people and write my other paper about The Impacts of Women's Education on Culture. Doesn't sound like a lot but it is. And I also have Statistics to cover. Until then, when the semester is over, I will be able to relax and enjoy the passage of each day. Then I will just wait for the summer days and my holiday!!!! Having classes only for the weekend won't be bad, or so I hope.