Monday, September 08, 2008

The Truth

There are things that I wish would have never changed, but they were for the best.
There are doors that I wish would have never closed, but I'm glad they did.
There are times that I wish I could have what I once had, but I realize that that could never be.
There are places that I would like to see, but I can never get to see all.
There are times when I wish I would just disappear, but if I do I would miss out on the most important things that has happened.
I give thanks to the people who made me realize who I am, who made me change some of my ways, who had patience with me when I gave them a hard time, who knew how to wait for an answer, who gave me my own space, who were there when I needed them most.
Special thanks goes to Karen, who has helped me out a lot over the past. Without you, I would be walking in another direction.
I took this time to write these few words because one can never know what can happen and it's better to be prepared.