These past days I have been thinking about the state of things in this country. I don't know about everything that happens throughout, but I don't need to know all to know that something is very wrong. Then I begin to wonder about what brings on these things. Are families so badly off that individuals have to commit robberies, murders, and all the horrifying acts? It is a fact that there are parents who know their kids are heading the wrong way, but what can they do? Are we totally helpless?
It is always said that we need to leave people be, to provide support, no matter who they are, but doesn't that go too far? Where do we begin to separate each other from supposed 'bad company' if our toleration helps to bring this about? All this doesn't only apply to our ongoing social community problems, but also to relationships, whether family, personal, romantic, business, and all the other -ships.
As I type this, I remember one of my dad's lessons. He drew a diagram on the board and to tell you the truth, the minute I saw it, I knew the truth and it changed certain points in my view.
Words can't make clearer what the eyes can see. The closer you are to God, the closer you are to each other. Even if one person is close and the other isn't, the partners are still far from each other.
So, does that mean that we all need to have a supreme being among us? Yes, it does. Even in the olden days, civilizations had a pantheon of gods in order to maintain a form of balance and harmony. Maybe that is why we are where we are?
Where is the STOP to all of this? It has just gotten worst. Robberies happen weekly in this tiny village, as if that would bring thieves lots of benefits. The worst thing is, we expect the thieves to be reckless youths and surprisingly, married men are involved.
How much more of this can we take? What will we do about what happens under our noses? Shall we sit and wait till various organizations think of more plans to eradicate crime?
I've always thought that solutions start in the home but there are always the black sheep. Those who do not listen to reason and abide by rules and you know what, them more I think about this, the more I contradict myself.
So this is it for now until I can think of something else to add later on.
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